Asma Barlas View Of Patriarchy

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Asma Barlas performed a workshop on Islam and Autonomy; she showed a picture of a Burqa-clad woman which raised questions if the Qur’an supported gender Equality. Barlas raises many issues addressing her research subject about what the Quran says about patriarchy. I will be discussing Barlas arguments in depth and viewing whether the Quran truly treats males and females equally. Barlas states, if cultural modes represent differentiation, then what better maker on cultural difference than the veil? It distinguishes inside from outside but also through which the eastern infiltration into the mysteries of Orient. The burqa is about cultural representation, but since society has made it seem that women who wear a burqa are “born accused” and …show more content…

First, scared and religious knowledge scared meaning the Quran itself which is represented as God holy book (perfect, timeless, and unchanging) knowledge meaning to engage and interpret the Quran. In these openings is where the ideological and historical roots to Muslim women’s oppression lies. An example Barlas represents us with is the Taliban anti-women program in Afghanistan, who carried out the name of Islam, but it had nothing to do with the Qurans teachings. The Quran does not prohibit women from working, or wearing a burqa. The Quran has been interpreted in many different ways and this is due to the individual who is reading the text and in what context they are interpreting it in. Historically, male scholars have read the Quran in the most decontextualized way, which is why Barlas views that the dominant readings of Islam are mis-lead. Second set of tension is the interpretation, the Quran as we know the text can be read in multiple ways. Barlas argues, once we accept the principle of polysemy on what grounds can we argue against one reading and in favor of another? but the Quran provides a way out for Muslims, and if Muslims choose not to follow this then it is because of social and political reasons and not religious …show more content…

Many issues were raised such as “does the Quran allow men to marry multiple wives”? And Muslims tend to mix the text and meanings from the Quran to the Prophets life (Hadiths), although both are very influential and important in Islam and are followed by many Muslims, they are two different sources. And “why do men always inherit twice as much of share of woman, when the Quran says that mothers inherit twice as much as fathers?” these questions lie deep within many Muslims, as we may believe these types of questions is what causes confusion a long with lack of knowledge within the Muslim and non-Muslim

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