Assault Guns Should Be Banned Essay

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Many people believe that America should outlaw guns, specifically “assault rifles”. Others such as the NRA believe America should arm more citizens and teachers. Guns should remain legal because of the use for hunting, self protection, and protection of others. Some people believe that assault rifles should be outlawed for the rapid fire. They believe this because it is often used in mass murders. But in reality if they outlaw assault rifles you would still be able to buy a M-14 at 18 that can shoot just as fast and is the same caliber but because it looks different it is not considered a assault rifle. Making guns illegal just makes it illegal for the ones that follow the law, the ones that are already going to break the law will still have …show more content…

Many people feel the need to keep guns on or with them to protect themselves. You may need them to protect yourself from people such as thieves, sexual predators, terrorist, ect.. In the world we live in today there are many people we may need protection from. Some people believe that you can talk the assaulter down from hurting you and in some cases you may, but you may not get the chance to talk. Approximately 200000 women a year use concealed carry against sexual abuse. ⅗ polled felons say that they would not mess with a armed person. In America concealed carry reduced murder by 8.5% , rapes by 5%, robberies by 3%, and aggravated assaults by 7%. On average it takes police during a emergency call 9 minutes to respond to the call. Just think about all that could happen in 9 minutes , you or your family could be robbed, sexually assaulted , or even killed. Now think if you had a gun with you to neutralize the situation as soon as it happened. In fact in 1982 Kennesaw Georgia required each household to have one or more firearms in the house. The result of that burglaries dropped by 89%. Guns also can be used for self protection when hunting. In many cases hunters may use the gun for protection from animals such as snakes, rabid animals , or snakes. This shows that it is a proven fact that people use guns for self protection and is used more to protect themselves than to harm a innocent

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