Assess Sociological Explanations Of Changes In The Position Of Children In Western Country

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Childhood is seen by sociologists as something which has been developed by society and in different cultures childhood varies widely. For example in developed westernized countries such as UK and US childhood is occupied with watching TV, extracurricular activities and playing video games. However in third world countries this is not the case as children do not have financial provision of this and are instead expected to work to feed their families. This also links to children in westernized society’s being more dependent on their parents where as children in lesser developed countries hold more responsibility over themselves.
In western societies childhood is seen as something which is unique as it is a very distinct phase in someone’s life. This is because children are not physically or mentally prepared to live out working lives thus years of nurturing is needed in making them become obedient citizens who don’t question the higher powers . In western culture, childhood is seen as a joyous time and according to ‘Jane Pilcher what makes childhood more specials is the separateness as children are seen to be completely different to adults.’ Governing laws prove this as they restrict children from buying …show more content…

New laws were set that prevented children for going to work as well as the introduction of compulsory schooling allowing children from lower economic classes go to school and receive an education. Also smaller families and increase in health care have made children be paid more attention than ever before. All in all it shows how in a modernized western society childhood is more apparent as an educated workforce is needed for the country to function. Because of this schools are provided for children as well as higher standards of living which is a big factor in separating them from lesser privileged children in other third world