
Assess The Difference Between Tier2 And Tier 3

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This reflection will go through what I have learnt in this assignment and the impotence of researching relationship database and below I am concentrating on the disadvantages the advantages of tier2 architecture and tier 3 which does have three layers client layer, business layer , and lastly data layer will define each one of them in this reflection

All projects are divided into two types of application, which is tier 2 architecture and tier3 architecture. Tier2 is basically client server application while tier 3 is web based application. Tier 2 is based on client server. The two tier is client server application for instance if a customer in a railway and want to reserve a ticket to London from Cardiff …show more content…

The advantages of using this application is easy to maintain and also communication will be faster. the main disadvantages of using tier two is that the server cannot respond multiple request at the same time, as a result it cause a data integrity issue

Tier 3 is basically web based application and does have three main layers which are
Client layer
This layer is used for design purpose only where data is illustrated to the user or input is taken from the clients
2) Business layer this layer is like logic written it validates data, calculation, data insertion. This acts as interface between users and data access layer
3) Data layer
In this layer exact database is goes in the picture. data access layer have methods to connect with database and performing insert, update. delete. get data from database based on our interring data.
1. The advantages of using this three layers are High performance, lightweight persistent objects
2. Scalability – Each tier can scale horizontally
3. Performance – Because the Presentation tier can cache requests, network utilization is minimized, and the load is reduced on the Application and Data

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