Assess The Impact Of Culture On Forced Marriage

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Intro I this essay, I will be looking into how culture and tradition affects forced marriages. I will be approaching this question by focusing on India for a global perspective, China for a national perspective, Hong Kong for a local perspective and I will also be identifying my personal perspective. Along with that I will be addressing some possible future scenarios and solutions. In modern day, forced marriage involves the act of 2 parties getting married without consent, against his or her will. Forced marriages have been a traditional practice in several countries around the world, this act is especially popular amongst rural areas in certain countries throughout asia. The idea of forced marriage is valued upon in places such as India, …show more content…

Due to the culture in India, families agree to follow the act of forced marriages because people believe in the act of marrying someone who is in the same castes and who follows the same traditions as you. This is said, according to Plan UK’s act to stop all child and forced marriages in India, to prevent broken marriages and to strengthen family value for the future. A lot of the time the decision for forced marriage is made by parents to influence their children's perspective into what makes a good family alliance. In Indian, culture and tradition has a major impact on who you would be set to get married …show more content…

A survey in 2013 from the IPSOS said that 74% of Indian woman prefer an arranged or forced marriage over a free choice marriage. According to the Indian Law, India is one of the many places in the world to have a extremely low divorce rate. Since 2007, only 1 in 100 Indian marriages (most of these being arranged and forced) have ended in divorce. This however is doubling in rural areas due to low law regulations and monitors in certain places. As much negativity there is for forced marriages, due to a long history of Indian culture and roots for families, there are many ways to have a happy marriage. According to Indian Martial statistics, a forced marriage is meant to get 2 spouses and keep them happy and engaged, even if the marriage is forced. It is said the psychologically make 2 parties get along with each other, resulting in a long lasting

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