Assignment 13: Project 13 Team Project Leader Evaluation

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Project 13 Team Project Leader Evaluation The assignment of being team leader over individual projects gave us an opportunity to practice using our leadership skills. The opportunity to further sharpen skills of leadership is beneficial to our future group interactions. This project gave us a great outlook to effectively evaluate our teammate’s performance. We were able to easily identify our strengths and weaknesses as it related to leadership. The exercise was eye opening and effective! First, one of my strengths identified by the team was, “effectively using leadership by example.” I am a strong believer in leadership by example. I was a store manager for five years and it gave me an opportunity to exercise those skills. People have a tendency to respond better to leaders when they operate thru example. Nothing is worse than a leader that only delegates, but doesn’t demonstrate the behavior. The quickest way to ruin the sense of teamwork is by exhibiting dictatorship behavior as opposed to demonstrating the actions. …show more content…

Overworking the team creates stress and an unproductive atmosphere. It was important to me that everyone had an opportunity to be involved in the project equally. I will strive to continue demonstrating this behavior in my future team leadership roles. The next strength identified by my team was, “enabling the team to successfully complete its task.” I believe that organization and realistic expectations is the key to a productive team. All team member should be given the tools to be successful. I never want to be the reason my team not successful. For this reason, I will continue to focus on being an asset to my

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