Assistant Principal Application Essay

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I am applying for the Assistant Principal (SY18-19) position following your advertisement in I have some considerable share of talents and skills that will add to the growth and development of the Two Rivers Public Charter School. I will like to join your preeminent team. Enclosed is a copy of my resume, which more fully details my experience and accomplishments for your review and consideration.

In my previous position as the building level principal, I effectively and efficiently incorporated systemic change into academic project designs, linking teacher preparation and students’ needs to organizational change while aligning needs and readiness levels of students to achieve superior results with the least strain. Under my leadership, we have taken students who were failing in the public school system to thriving levels where they were able to score at the 90th-98th percentile in the Standardized Tests, such as the Comprehensive Test of Basic Skills (CTBS), used by my school system to evaluate the performance of our students. We incorporated current knowledge of effective practices and innovative strategies into the curriculum and instruction to improve teaching, learning and meet high academic standards. Unquestionably, I am highly committed to producing 21st century lifelong learners who are productive and contributing members of a global community. …show more content…

Furthermore, without my knowledge, I was recommended and recognized two times by Who’s Who Among America’s