Assisted Suicide Argumentative Essay

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29 year old Brittany Maynard had been told that she has brain cancer and had only six months to live. She suffers from excruciating headaches and it becomes unbearable to handle. She decides that she doesn't want her cancer to consumer life with pain. Her only option was assisted suicide. The quality of life plays an important factor in how this sensitive topic should be decided, for the fact that all of these choices are left up to the individual requesting the help. They are terminally ill and see no reason to prolong their suffering, thus the reason they go and seek outside help/assistance to ease their pain. Assisted suicide should be legal in Texas because of personal reasons such as the health of the individual, the do not resuscitate order, and the quality of one’s life. People have stated that in the end this “defies religious practices,” is “sinful,” “immoral,” “selfish” or just plain “wrong.” However it may hurt at first. They’re losing a loved …show more content…

Keep this in mind, that physician assisted death is the patient’s own personal choice. The individual is seeking physician assisted help in order to end their life if they have been diagnosed terminally ill with less than six months to live. A terminal illness is one in which no one can recover. Once someone is diagnosed as terminally ill they will soon be deceased, before they pass on, it may for the most part be painful, excruciatingly painful. The key words to keep in mind are suffering and personal choice. Now no one is forcing them to do this nor are they being forced to go through with it once they’ve decided. If they feel uneasy or are no longer willing to go through with the process they can opt out at any time. Again this is all personal choice. Now most of the time the individual is seeking a lethal dosage of medication in order to end their pain and

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