Despite the fact, sometimes the scientific environment comes to assumptions that contradict the literal knowledge of the Bible. However, this is not surprising and neither does it show that the Bible is inaccurate. Religion and Science operate differently; therefore, they will often disagree. In addition, there are limitations in the scientific methods that often not necessarily appreciated by the apologists of science nor the public. However, there are cases where both religion and science make statements about the same domain, such as the origin of life. However, in those cases where religion and science communicate on the same subject matter, religion grounded on eternal truth, while science base is on current knowledge and assumptions. Some examples of areas of science are the origin of the life, the origin of universe, evolution, anthropology, psychology, history, sociology, and economics. Assumptions can help to insure that the conclusions are coherent, once verification of the assumptions occurs. Scientific theories may and will change, but religion is concerned with eternal truths and changes not. The created universe is logical as one can see through numerous Bible references as seen in Jeremiah 31:35, "...the Lord, who gives the sun for light by day and …show more content…
Scientist is mortal and they lack “perfect understanding,” and their imperfect intellect can lead to erroneous conclusions and interpretations. If human intellects were capable of persistently arriving at the correct assumptions, the human sinful nature might lead to decisions of erroneous interpretations because the right one is not agreeable to