Astrocytoma Cancer

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Introduction Paragraph There are many cancers under the one word of cancer and one of the most detrimental is nervous system cancer. It occurs in about 22,850 adults a year and in 4,300 children a year [Cancer Society, 2012]. The nervous system is a set of specialized cells known as neurons that are in a way the electrical wiring of the body [Zimmerman, 2015]. This mean that they control the actions of our body and the movements [Zimmerman, 2015]. They control the peripheral and central nervous system [Mississippi, 2012] The peripheral system includes sensory neurons, ganglia (clusters of neurons) and nerves that connect to one another and to the central nervous system [Zimmerman, 2015]. The central nervous system pertains to the brain, spinal …show more content…

This is the reason that it is called astrocytoma astro- meaning star shaped, cyt- meaning cells, and -oma meaning tumor [Mayo Clinic, 2000]. Astrocytoma tumors have four levels one being the least drastic and four being the most drastic [NORD, 2015] Level one and two tumors have symptoms that are subtle due to the fact that the tumor grows very slowly[NORD, 2015]. While level three and four tumors have more of drastic and rapid impact on the cancer patient [NORD, 2015]. The symptoms of level three and four include headaches, vision changes and nausea or vomiting [NORD, 2015]. In more severe cases of level three and four where the tumor hits other areas of the brain then it can cause focal seizures, difficulty with speaking, loss of balance and weakness, paralysis or loss of sensation of one side of the body [NORD, 2015]. Although there are many physical symptoms, there is also a psychological symptom that is depression. Astrocytoma has a rate of .44 per 100,000 people in the USA and a one point five to two ratio range of males to females who are affected with the disease [Peterson, 2013]. Level one occurs in mostly children and young teens while level two occurs in adults ranging from twenty to sixty [NORD, 2015]. In addition, level three astrocytoma it occurs in ages thirty to sixty mostly males, and finally level four astrocytoma occurs in mostly ages between …show more content…

The way to predict astrocytoma has not yet been solved [NORD, 2015]. Many researchers have wondered this but have not discovered a reason that is one hundred percent true due to the fact that research has not proved otherwise [NORD, 2015]. Researchers believe that like any other cancer it is a multifactorial disease that is caused by both genetics and environmental factors [Tatter, 2008]. Although, researchers have found that there is a small correlation between Turcot syndrome, neurofibromatosis type-I tuberous sclerosis, Ollier’s disease and Li-Fraumeni syndrome and astrocytoma [NORD, 2015]. After limited research they have found that people with these diseases are more likely to develop astrocytoma, but even this discovery is skeptical due to the amount of research behind it [Mayo Clinic, 2009]. Astrocytoma is diagnosed by thorough clinical evaluation, characteristic physical findings, a careful patient history, and specialized tests, such as blood tests, neuroimaging techniques, and other diagnostic studies [NORD, 2015]. To discover the exact location of the tumor neuroimaging techniques, such as computed tomography (CT) scanning and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain are used to figure it out [NORD, 2015]. The treatment for astrocytoma are but not limited to surgery to remove the tumor, followed by chemotherapy and radiation

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