Atc Personal Statement

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I have had an interest in the environment from a young age due to being brought up in a nature loving family. I never really considered it as a career option until I was much older and started watching the news through which I gained an appreciation and wonder for the huge range of eco systems around me and the challenges which the local and global environment face. This combined with an inspirational Geography teacher has led me to explore these topics further through education and personal interest. The ‘A’ level subjects I study have helped me develop skills that are relevant to this course. Studying Life and Health Science has given me the skills to tackle problems logically, particularly the course work module which has taught how to complete …show more content…

Being with the ATC allowed me to travelled to new places such as the Peak District and see beautiful land formations like the Roaches and then abseil down them. Through the ATC I also was able to take part in the Duke of Edinburgh Award which helped me to develop a number of transferable skills such as communication and team work, for this my group and I did research and a presentation of the environment in the Antrim Hills and the erosional effects people are having on it. During my time in school I have volunteering to help with stage design for the school’s musical and for the charity committee both of which have helped develop problem solving skills. I have also been a school mentor, during my time in the mentoring program I helped a junior people pupil struggling with Geography and another struggling with English. This experience was very rewarding and it allowed me to see the pupils improving with my help and gave me the opportunity to revise some forgotten Geography skills. Volunteering for a local animal charity for over a year has been a rewarding use of my time, being able to work as part of a team was very motivating and I have gained skills in communication and cooperation through working

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