Athena Research Paper

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Athena was a Greek goddess from ancient greek culture. There are many valuable character traits about her, such as of courage, strength, ability in mathematics, the arts, and so much more. Athens, the capital of Greece, was named after Athena. She was the daughter of Zeus, she did not have a mother. Athena had plenty of siblings such as, Persephone, the Dioscuri twins, Helen, Dike, Minos, Aphrodite, Artemis, Heracles, the Graces, the Muses, Apollo, Artemis, Daradanus Hephaestus, Hebe, Eileithyia, Ares and Dionysus. But she was known as a lone child because she was born from Zeus’s head.

Athena is represented for few things that made her a great leader for her nation. She had her face put on coins that they used back through the years of 449 B.C.- 420 B.C. Athena was a patron of the arts and crafts, especially when it came to spinning and weaving. In later …show more content…

There was once a girl named Arachne, who was a well trained weaver, and like weaving very much. She loved her job very much and was very good at it, that once she boasted that she could weave as well as the goddess Athena herself. Athena then heard about Arachne, and came to her in the form of an old woman. Athena didn’t want Arachne saying this, so she asked if she could take it back, but Arachne refused. Then old woman changed into the goddess Athena. Arachne was startled and surprised, but in an instant she was ready for the test of skill which the goddess demanded. They both stood side by side, and wove cloth covered with pictures. When the goddess discovered that she couldn’t find any flaws with Arachne’s work, she became terribly angry. She struck Arachne, and tore the cloth on her loom. Arachne was frightened by how angry Athena was so she tried to kill herself. Athena then became sorry for the girl, and saved her life by changing her into a spider. So Arachne lives to this day, and still weaves the webs on the walls and ceilings, and on the grasses by the