
Athens Vs Sparta Research Paper

501 Words3 Pages

In the archaic and classical age Athens and Sparta were the two most powerful and rival cities un the Ancient Greece. They differed from their governemental system to their social and cultural life. Athens was economically strong and it is the birthplace of the mordern civilizations architecture, arts and philosophy. Athens’ rival, Sparta, didn’t concentrate much on other things than their military strength, every Spartan man were born to be a life full time career soldier and the Spartan wives were trained to give birth to these soldiers. Sparta was a self-content nation, they claimed to be the protector of Greece. Spartan weren’t builders and they didn’t have special architecture for their army. Each Spartan soldier was said to be Sparta wall. It is a militaristic community, Sparta focused on increasing its power and dominating over its neighbourhood kingdoms. Athens, was in the opposite to Sparta and democratic community, for the Athenians it was important seemingly important for growing their …show more content…

There was a council made of 5 people the Ephors that over ruled the kings, they were elected each one year by the citizen as it is done for the Athenians government. The Spartan aristocracy made of people from the upper class and land owners who has helots working for them (the helots weren’t slave, they were dominated by the Spartans who were considered superiors to them, and they had a minimum domestic liberty), the aristocracy was another ruler group in Sparta. The Spartans had a very narrow lifestyle, it wasn’t of much importance for a Spartan man to know how to read or not, their sole purpose were to be life full time career soldiers. They were forced to military service and obedience from the age of

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