Atomic Bomb Persuasive Essay

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What if the united states never dropped the atomic bomb.
In august 1945 president truman decided to drop two atomic bombs on japan."We would have kept on fighting until all Japanese were killed, but we would not have been defeated," by which he meant that they would not have been disgraced by surrender. after the event, to look back and say that Japan was already a beaten nation, and to ask what therefore was the justification for the use of the atomic bomb to kill so many thousands of helpless Japanese in this inhuman way; furthermore, should we not better have kept it to ourselves as a secret weapon for future use, if necessary. After robert oppenheimer made up the atomic bomb, and used the atomic bomb (bomb book). After that day all the countries wanted one so they figured it out and kept passing it down, then almost everyone had a fission bomb. Then after everyone made one everyone was bombing each other. So, russia bomb paris, united states bomb nagasaki and hiroshima (etc). United states wanted to kill everyone one in japan (Hiroshima & …show more content…

Mortality rates remained high. Most commonly, survivors experienced violent dizzy spells and a profound depletion of energy. Fears about genetic effects of radiation exposure on their children haunted them for decades. Thirty years after the war, high rates of leukemia as well as stomach and colon cancer persisted. From the survivors' perspective, the atomic bomb had burned their bodies from the inside out.people where very hurt because of the bomb. People got very sick or hurt during this. These people should of thought before they did it, but they didn't want to. People where so sick, they got leukemia, skin disease, (etc), and they had to struggle of all of this because of the ignorant people.