
Attachment Theory In Social Work

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(Houston, 2016) in these notes shows us just how beneficial theory is in Social Work. It shows how the use of theory has the power to effect change in service users lives and gives Social Workers a framework in order to do so. This framework on how to relate theory to practice instils confidence in Social Workers in the ways they can bring about positive change in a service users life and thus motivates them to want to do so.
Social Work draws on theory from three different domains. These include Sociological, Psychological and Biological. This theory aids social workers in comprehending situations or behaviours and allows them to understand what could have happened or what might come about in the future. For example, a key theory used in Social Work, particularly child protection is (Bowlby, 1980) theory of attachment. This is made reference to in the book “Psychology” by (Hewstone, Fincham and Foster, 2005, pg128-129). (Bowlby, 1980) believed that a child’s relationship with its main guardian “prompts the development of inner working models.” They further state that (Bowlby, 1980) believed that the progression of these “inner working models” caused a “schema” to form on how responsive their guardian is to giving them their care. Thus, prompting them to formulate ideas on how deserving they are of care. Attachment theory is …show more content…

Social workers are often required to make huge professional judgements with the intention of ensuring the best outcome for the service user. Social workers use theories to provide an insight into a service user’s needs. When a theory e.g. Attachment theory is used, it can demonstrate why a service user is behaving a certain way. This gives social workers a better understanding of the needs of service users so they can be effective in

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