How Does Atticus Finch Show Justice In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Atticus Finch is the backbone of the novel; he’s equitable and represents justice through impartiality. He symbolizes morality and fairness, and does not rethink his stance on the issues he faces. Despite what others may think of him, he’s unprejudiced and does not mind that a colored woman is helping him raise his children. Not only does he practice civility towards the human race, but he also shows mercy towards the disadvantaged: animals. On chapter 10 of To Kill A Mockingbird, Sheriff Heck Tate urges Atticus to shoot a rabid dog that was roaming the street of the Finch’s neighborhood. Mr. Finch reluctantly accepts the request and puts the animal down in a single shot, to Jem and Scout 's surprise. The occurrence confuses the children because Atticus never mentioned his expertise in shooting, and he refused to teach his kids to shoot their new rifles. Miss Maudie Atkinson, their broad-minded neighbor, tells the children that their father is an excellent shot and that he was nicknamed “Ol’ One Shot” for his skill in marksmanship. Yet he believes his talent to aim accurately is a God-given ability that gives him an unfair advantage over other living creatures, and he simply avoids violence. By avoiding violence, he publicly displays his pacifistic views and teaches his children not only to avoid cruelty, but also to avoid taking full power over certain situations despite having an advantageous position.
Atticus is often looked to for his infinite wisdom. He utilizes many