Atticus Finch Hardships

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Lawyer always are working on difficult cases, you would believe that they would be stressed with no time for their kids. Atticus Finch may seem to be the opposite of this stereotype; he is a simple lawyer who is supporting two kids while fighting against a town plagued with racism in a black man versus a white woman rape case. Lawyers have this stress filled, hateful, annoying job, but a great father would have enough time to try and advise his children down the right path. (5 more sentences) When a child asks a question would you discarded it like it meant nothing then answer an adult’s question and treat it like it meant everything. Atticus Finch views everyone equally and treats his children like the adults they will grow up to be in helping …show more content…

Atticus no matter what will try to put himself into the shoes of others for a minute to help advice his children in others down the right path. Atticus Finch puts it best in this quote, A. "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb into his skin and walk around in it” (Lee 39.) Scout takes this quote to heart in figuring out why Miss Caroline was so angry at her for knowing how to read and write. In the end Scout figured out it was because she was fresh out of college and didn’t truly understand the town’s culture. Atticus also uses his own advice when understanding why Boo Radley should not come forward and be pushed into the spotlight, since that would cause him to become a person he could not be. The town understood this since Tom Robinson was only convicted on the fact he was black and not the evidence provided in the case. As a lawyer, Atticus had to put himself into Mayella’s shoes to comprehend why she was accusing Tom of a horrendous crime. Being an adult and a mature person is seeing how people view everything

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