
Atticus Finch In To Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee

424 Words2 Pages
Sophie Bennett Bennett 1
Dr. Bayazitoglu
English 1.4

“A Good Man”
Imagine it is the 1930 and you are a African-American living in Alabama, where racial discrimination is huge. How would you live in this time? Many characters in To Kill A Mockingbird just follow how others act but some were able to go their own way and have their own opinions. One character, Atticus Finch, shows this greatly. He is able to do something that most people are unwillling to do, to help an seemingly innocent person although they are coloured. In To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper Lee, Atticus Finch show great opposition to the thoughts of may and is able to show courage, wisdom and, fairness throughout the book.
Throughout the novel Atticus
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