Aurora Movie Theater Shooting On the night of July 20, 2012 there was a mass shooting at the AMC Theatres in Aurora Colorado. James Holmes the shooter was dressed up as Batman during the movie “The Dark Knight Rises” when he opened fire on over over 100 people, 70 people were injured and 12 died and as a result he will spend the rest of his life in jail. James Holmes walked into the movie theater with the intentions to kill dozens of people, he bought a movie ticket for “The Dark Knight Rises” (Summary). At 12 a.m. he acted as if he was talking on the phone as excuse to be near the exits to block them off so people could not escape. Holmes then tear gassed the crowd and as they were attempting to escape he started shooting at them and and ultimately killing 12 people, eight men, three women and a little girl, 70 other people were injured and wounded that night (“New Photos Taken”). James Holmes stated that “he never meant to kill a child” but that ended up happening anyways and claimed the 70 injured were just “collateral damage”. …show more content…
He tried to plead insane so that he would have a less harsher sentence but fortunately after reviewing evidence a journal found and was written by Holmes it was clear that he was lucid while writing out his plans and knew exactly what he was planning on doing. All though he may not be “insane” he was declared mentally ill, anyone who can walk into a populated area wanting to kill a large number of people and acting on those urges of course are suffering from some form of a mental