Autism Spectrum Disorder Essay

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Autism spectrum disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder. This disorder can affect a child’s ability to converse and interact with others. One (1) in sixty-eight (68) children have been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder in the United States. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is almost five times more common amongst boys than girls. There are many speculations on what causes ASD. Genes are a very big part of what many scientists believe can cause this disorder. There is currently no cure for ASD, but there are therapeutic activities, treatments, and programs that can help children with autism spectrum disorder achieve some type of normalcy in their daily lives. Many scientists consider genetics to be a very big portion of what causes …show more content…

In the 1970s, Jean Ayres, an occupational therapist and licensed clinical psychologist developed a theory called Sensory Integration (SI). Ayres noticed that children with learning disabilities often experience motor, sensory, and perceptual difficulties. She began to suspect that they were incapable to appropriately process and integrate sensory information. This sensory approach is a program that include activities such as drawing with a finger in suave sand, swinging on a rope and jumping into a ball-pit, or crawling through a passageway. The activity is coordinated to the child’s sensory needs. Sensory Integration Therapy is said to be the third most common …show more content…

Vitamins and supplements are important for those who live with autism spectrum disorder. Children with autism may not break down or process the nutrients they do ingest in probable ways. Mega-vitamin treatment and other nutritional supplements are frequently used to treat children with autism spectrum disorder. Recent studies indicate that over 30% of parents are giving their children extra Vitamins B6 and C, and over 25% are using crucial fatty acids and magnesium. The foundation for the use and the anticipated benefits of many of these supplements fluctuate, as does the evidence supporting them, but maintain a

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