Autonomous Car Model

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The model constructs chosen for the autonomous car use case are listed again in Table 6-1 with their respective original source. The model includes the constructs like Normative Belief, Behavioral Beliefs and Subjective Norm from the TPB, Technology Beliefs, Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use, Willingness to pay and Past Experience find their origins from TAM2. Privacy concerns were included in the technological beliefs and will be modelled through the Perceived Usefulness construct. The hypotheses were tested using an online questionnaire. Subsequent survey data analysis was performed with the help of SAS package for Social Sciences and MS Excel. Behavioral Intent, in this case is the level of belief of an individual that he or she will own an Autonomous Vehicle or the intention to retrofit …show more content…

The intent to engage in the act is often scored together with a motivation to comply which is basically an assessment of how much an individual tends to do what his family or friends want him or her to do. Normative belief is an indirect estimation of Subjective Norm and therefore both of them are expected to be positively related. H3, H9: Normative Beliefs are positively related to Subjective Norms and Behavioral Beliefs Behavioral Beliefs are evaluated based on the values that an individual believes and other parameters like time, money etc. In the questionnaire, the importance of social status, quality of life and value of time are assessed. The value set by an individual on such variables could have an impact on the attitude and the behavioral intention. A weighting factor is attached to each of the behavioral belief and the sum of products is used as the estimate of Behavioral