Avis Budget Group Risk Assessment

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Risk and Reward Assessment for Avis Budget Group Avis Budget Group is a car rental service provider that aims at connecting people physically and creating better experiences for them. The company’s first vision is to lead the vehicle rental services business while focusing on growth, efficiency, customer service and innovation. The firm’s core values include integrity, responsibility, and commitment. However, achieving these goals has been met with some challenges such as the security problem. The continuous movement of cars in and out of the service area has subsequently attracted theft in the company, where cars and other accessories are stolen. The perfect solution for this problem would be to replace and update the Auto-Vu LPR. The …show more content…

After much consultation within the company, one of the recommendations adopted would be to use digital cameras. This would involve rewiring, but this system would be adaptable to any new technological changes and growth in the company. Another recommendation was the use of low wattage lighting to enhance vision in the dark and use a remote security company. As mentioned earlier, the security system will need to be fast enough to deal with a wide range of vehicles. A new improved security system will positively impact and increase the customer’s engagement level. Customers will feel safer while using car rental services from Avis Budget Group. Additionally, they will also need to swipe in their information while accessing services at this company. A new and upgraded security system will go a long way to improving the brand and reputation of this company. Resources used to replace stolen, and other items will be used to improve the car rental services, and customers will be more safe and …show more content…

Consequently, this will require a lot of changes for the individuals and the organization as a whole. Stakeholders will need to deal with these changes in order to grow. In the book, Who Moved my Cheese? Spencer Johnson states that dealing with change can be difficult, but people need to be able to handle change and move on. In this book, Spencer narrates the story of two mice, Hem and Haw, who went out in the maze every day in search of cheese, and they believed that finding it would make them jubilant. Finally, they achieved their goal and found it at Cheese Station C. They were happy, satisfied and comfortable. As they moved closer to the cheese, a false sense of security had them believing that since they had worked so hard to find it, they deserved an endless supply. Then one day the cheese was not there. Their friends, Sniff and Scurry, quickly moved on in the search of more cheese because they believed that things are not always supposed to be where they should be, and thus found more cheese at another station. However, their counterparts keep coming back to the same station over and over again hoping to find cheese, and panicked because they thought their source of happiness was lost (Johnson, 2015). Eventually, Hall realized that it was time to move on and look for new

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