Ayn Rand And The Prophecy Of Atlas Shrugged

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So what exactly is ethical egoism? The definition from the Judith Boss text Ethics for Life states that ethical egoism is a theory that mainly focuses on a person’s self-interest. Most philosophers believe that it’s one of the several goods by which to judge morality of an action. On the other hand, ethical egoists believe that it’s morally right for every person to do what will maximize our happiness because when we pursue our rational self-interests, it maximizes our happiness. Ethical egoism also takes in consideration for both short-term and long-term consequences of our actions as well. Now that we understand what ethical egoism is, why is this theory the most convincing to follow? First and foremost, I believe it’s one of the most effective …show more content…

She had a strong belief that self-interest and individualism is the greatest moral good. According to the documentary of Ayn Rand & The Prophecy of Atlas Shrugged, she’s spent almost her whole life trying to convince society that a man’s life is the standard of value and his highest moral purpose is the achievement of his own happiness. A man must not force other people nor let others force him to live for themselves and follow their rational self-interest. This ideal is absolutely accurate that I can’t even think of a way to reinterpret what Rand has been trying to tell for so many years. It makes so much sense because if man relied on himself and focused more about himself and his own happiness, no one would be able to exploit the ones with less because man wouldn’t depends solely on the consumers, thus making us all “equal in power”. No one had less, no one had more and it would be fair. Unfortunately, Altruism invites the providers to take advantage of the consumer, and the consumer to want more than they need, and who ever had must sacrifice their happiness for the sake of others. According to the documentary of Ayn Rand & The Prophacy of Atlas Shrugged, everything that she predicted for society in America is undoubtedly coming true. In fact, it’s happening right

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