Ayn Rand Anthem Analysis

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C Adams Mr. Hamby ELA 9 date Title Two unrelated universes connect into a propaganda like social theory spread through ideals of characters. Systematically completing each other. Proving conquest for one of all and the creator of such plains in the writing median. These expanses of calligraphy being Ayn Rand’s Anthem and the quotation of The Fountainhead, The Soul of an Individualist. Anthem applying representation of symbols and community to spread the idealism of Rand’s communal identification. The Soul of an Individualist finalizing these ideas while analyzing the altruist’s defeat within the communist society of Anthem. A world where there is no I, but a great we (Rand 19). For saying one word within the communist societal rule of Anthem, …show more content…

“Individualism is the idea that the fundamental unit of the human species that thinks, lives, and acts toward goals is the individual. This means that the adult individual can form his own independent judgments, act on his own thoughts, and disagree with others” (Y). In this abstraction design, Rand has become a true creator. Throughout her life Rand has seen communism destroy her family’s life. It only made sense for her to create her own fabrication based on trauma (X). Within her life Rand has felt the need to save her family, and this is her way of doing …show more content…

This quotation of the main protagonist, Howard, presents to the reader that altruism is the true enemy of mankind. In works such as Anthem we see how the desirable selfless society has crumbled into communism. “For the word 'We ' must never be spoken, save by one 's choice and as a second thought. This word must never be placed first within man 's soul, else it becomes a monster, the root of all the evils on earth, the root of man 's torture by men, and of an unspeakable lie” (Rand 6). Seen within the culture of the publication Anthem and speech from The Soul of an Individualist we notice that Rand applies good vs evil into a format of egotism vs