Aztec Sacrificial Myths Analysis

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Analyzation of Aztec Sacrificial Myths Human sacrifice has been prevalent throughout the history of the Aztec Empire. With the practice being so important the mythology surrounding them were just as influential to their society and monumentally important to our understanding of their practices. The Aztec people had many deities that represented the sun, moon, earth, death, creation, up until the late 20th century it was thought that these sacrifices were meant to please or worship these gods. Due to the finding of recent lore, opinions have changed, specialists now believe that it was a way of humbling oneself, repaying parents, revivifying the gods, or atonement for sins committed by the gods. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the …show more content…

There is an event similar to a war between the four-hundred and the younger five. In the Greek mythos it is basically a giant messed up, insanely long bout of sibling rivalry. There were not many wars or slaughters within the Greek Theology community, but there were fights and jealousy between them, a lot of the time there murders and sleaze so they were not too unlike this scenario.
The mortality in this myth is interesting, the four-hundred were almost completely wiped out but the younger five were not even touched and they were only armed with thorn tipped darts and shields. The five younger ones, the children who gave respect to their parents and listened to what they asked, survived the attack. …show more content…

His uncles, the 400 Mimixcoas, who hated Mixcoatl, killed and buried him. Quetzalcoatl looked for his father and found his bones and buried them in the Hill of Mixcoatl (Mixcoatepetl). Informed of this, the murderers, Apanecatl, Zolton, and Cuilton, told Quetzalcoatl that they would be angry if he inaugurated (drilled with the fire sticks) his temple (on the hill) by sacrificing a rabbit or a serpent, because the required sacrifices were an eagle, a jaguar, and a kind of wolf. Quetzalcoatl told the three animals that they would not die, but that, on the contrary, they would eat the three uncles to inaugurate the temple. He went to the temple through an underground gallery and lit the inaugural fire. His uncles were furious because they wanted to make this fire themselves. They stormed the hill but Quetzalcoatl killed and sacrificed them. Not only are the Mimixcoas guilty for having assassinated their brother, but we also find again a passage from animal to human sacrifice. The uncles fancy that Quetzalcoatl will offer small animals while they would sacrifice bigger game, but after all it is Quetzalcoatl who makes the most precious offering: his own uncles instead of animals.” (Graulich 2000: