Baby Boomers Vs Millennials Essay

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INTRODUCTION Today’s workforce expands five generations. These include iGen (Generation Z): born 1996 and after, Millennials (Generation Y): born 1977 to 1995, the Generation X: born 1965 to 1976, the Baby Boomers: born 1946 to 1964 and the Traditionalists (the Silent Generation): born 1945 and before. Employers are responsible for engaging and retaining this cross-generational workforce. Each generation brings its own work habits, values, communication styles, and these differences are pronounced. This is especially seen in the use of technology for communications. Millennials gravitate toward text messages, social media and instant messages. Generation X to the Silent Generation prefer phone calls and emails. Generation Z prefer informal …show more content…

There are certain characteristics that are tied to each generation. The Traditionalists value hard work, dedication and patience. They are comfortable without recognition or reward for their work. The largest work group is the Baby Boomers. Their generation is characterized by being team-oriented and value a high work ethic. The smallest group in the current workforce are the Generation Xers. This generation is often called the Sandwich generation because it is between the two largest generations in the workforce, the Baby Boomers and Millennials. In addition, they are often taking care of aging parents while raising a family of their own. The characteristics of this generation are self-reliance, global thinking. Millennials will soon take over the largest generation in the workforce as more Baby Boomers and Traditionalists leave the workforce. This generation is characterized by confidence, optimism, inclusive and also technology driven. The Millennials will soon be replaced as the largest workplace by the iGen or Generation Z. To say that this generation will be hooked to their smartphones at work is an understatement. Future supervisors and managers of Gen Z’s will have to know that leaving their cell phone at home is not an option. More will have to be revealed with this

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