
Background Of The Vietnam War Essay

866 Words4 Pages

Perkowski 1
Daniel Perkowski
Ms. Boshek
Aice US History
12 December 2015
“The Background of the Vietnam War” Vietnam is a country that has been under the foreign rule of the Chinese for much of its recorded history. In 1860, France had established its dominance within the region, later being followed by the colonization of many keys areas near the Gulf of Tonkin. During the height of WWII, Japanese influence grew in Vietnam as they gained many areas within the region including the install of their regime, which was later driven out by the Vietnamese people. France, keen on reestablishing its dominance had fought to regain its former land to which was felt to have originally belonged to them. The effort was ill-advised, not only was the French army poorly-equipped and unorganized but there was lack of perseverance amongst the group itself. The restricting aspects of these factors had ultimately led to the French falling victim to defeat at Dien Bien Phu, with opposing forces being led by Vo Nguyen Giap on …show more content…

The United States was faced with many problems that would restrict them from establishing a firm system within the region. The cultural boundary between the United States and Vietnam was one that brought with it many complications, corruptions within the southern region were those that restricted the implication of a democratic style of government. Additionally, the Army of the Republic of Vietnam was a force that found itself to be unorganized, primarily due to the lack of confidence amongst the troops. The frustrating aspects of these limiting factors had caused the United States to intervene, having no other solution, they began to send troop within the region, thus making it clear that the United States had fully committed

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