Bad Decisions In William Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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Have you ever read the play Romeo and Juliet? Romeo and Juliet is a play mainly about love and society. The play Romeo and juliet is mainly about Romeo and Juliet meeting each other having love at first sight.They end up not being able to stand being away from each other, and tend to sneak around to see each other. Therefor they tend to sneak out to see each other because they are from two different families, families that hate each other. Juliet becomes very disobedient just to see Romeo, by the end of the play they both end up both killing themselves because they think the other is dead. William Shakespeare shows how a group of people interfered with two teenager’s love. These interferences causes both families to make bad decisions. Juliets …show more content…

the stars, nights candles, have faded. Beautiful days stands on tip-toe on the misty mountains tops. I must be gone and live, or stay or die.(Nurse) Your mother is coming to your bedroom. It’s daybreak. Be careful!Watch Out.(Romeo) Good-bye.Good-bye. One kiss and i’ll climb down”. This shows me Romeo and Juliet sneak around to see each other this time Romeo sneaked up to Juliet's window to talk to her. In addition it seems the Nurse watches out for Juliet when she is talking to Romeo and that seems good. This lets me know that Juliet is trustworthy with her Nurse. Romeo tends to feel depressed and feels like killing himself. In Act 3 Scene 3 (Nurse) “Oh she say’s nothing sir, but weeps and weeps. She falls on her bed, and then gets up and, calls out “Tybalt” and then cries out “Romeo”, and she falls down again. (Romeo) It’s as if my name had murdered her, shot with a deadly aim from a gun, just as that name’s cursed hand murdered her cousin! Oh, tell me. In what vile part of my body does my name live? Tell me so i can attack the hated place! On the other hand this shows Juliet is thinking bout Romeo while he is thinking bout her to, but Romeo feels like killing himself because on line 66 act

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