Bald Men Stereotypes Essay

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When I used to see men with a bald head, I thought they were members of a gang. In the movies I saw the gang members were mostly bald. I was wrong at making the stereotype of bald men. “Stereotypes are unreliable generalizations about all members of a group and do not take individual differences into account” (Schaefer, 2014. p. 39). The media is very good at making stereotypes of races. Many times the media shows minority groups in a bad concept. Blacks and Hispanics are two races that are portrayed in a negative concept in the media.
Blacks have been seen as a low class race. They were slaves in the older times. The media stereotypes them as lazy, uneducated, thief’s, drug dealers, drug users, having more than one baby daddy and much more. …show more content…

In this Hulu exclusive series, it shows how Hispanic teenagers deal with relationships, drugs, school, and family problems. A teenage boy gets into selling drugs. A teenage girl got raped by her own father when she was younger. It shows that the teenagers don’t have a bright future ahead of them.
This stereotype of Hispanics makes it hard for other Hispanics to be seen with a good eye. Not all Hispanics are illegal immigrants. I consider myself and my kids Hispanic but we were born in the United States. My kids were placed as English Language Learners even though they were born here because they were marked as Hispanics. All the stereotypes of Hispanics make it hard for us to compete with the upper class.
I can’t say that all the stereotypes of Blacks and Hispanics are not correct for all the individuals in that race. I have noticed that the media is showing that the minority class more often than better. There are several shows and movies that portray Hispanics and blacks as good people. In recent years a show that portrays blacks as educated and from a good social class. The world is being more racially mixed that the audience is not only people in the upper class. I know that all the media wants to do is sell their product but it has a cost on some races. As human being we should not believe all the stereotypes of certain races