
Ballad Of Birmingham By Dudley Randall

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A “Ballad of Birmingham” written by Dudley Randall is an extremely sad and touching story (Kirszner & Mandell, 2012, p. 378-379). This story embodies how love and loss with the tragedy of racism is in our world. We can see how hard it was for African Americans simply by how it is depicted by the mother's voice, dark tone, and the rhythm in this ballad which tries to soothe us as the story unfolds. The voice is of her mother can be felt with each line along with the hurt and pain. The strong sense that she does not want her to go anywhere, due to all the racially charged problems. She tells her “No, baby, no, you may not go...” (Kirszner & Mandell, 2012, p. 378, 5). Her voice is strong but loving with the thought that she will understand
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