Band Of Brothers Character Analysis

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Before considering leaderships between different leaders in Band of Brothers, it’s important to note that everybody has a different way of leading and is a good leader on their own. The three people that have shown the greatest leadership in the series, “Bands of Brothers,” are Lieutenant Winters, Lieutenant Speirs, and Sergeant Lipton. Some traits that they all have in common is that they are great leaders and are willing to sacrifice themselves to save others. Additionally, their braveness helped the struggling soldiers fight through the battle field. If the three brave soldiers were to be ranked based on their leadership, Lt. Winters would be ranked first, Sgt. Lipton would be second, and Lt. Speirs would be ranked third for best leadership abilities.

Lieutenant Winters is an example of an effective leader because he demonstrated his leadership skills throughout the battle of Carentan. He tried to keep the soldiers' morale up when they’re being attacked outside of the German village. The evidence to support this is when he commanded his soldiers to move towards the village while standing up high of which …show more content…

For example, during the Battle of Foy he took over for Lt. Dike and helped “Easy” Company win the battle. He also is extremely brave and is a risk taker during the Battle of Foy when he is sent down to cover for Lt. Dike. Specifically, when he ran through the German line to get in contact with “I” Company without fear and ran back safely which brought the soldiers morale up to fight. Moreover, he also took down a 105mm Howitzer on his own during Brecourt Manor assault. This shows that he is well knowledgeable on the battlefield and doesn’t need anyone to help company him. He is the most bold and emotionally stable than the other two soldier that I’ve mentioned