Carol Gomez Bank of America supplies its customers, including various sized market organizations and corporations with financial services such as banking, investing, asset and accounts management. Bank of A has expanded and today has approximately 16,000 ATMs throughout the United States and roughly 34 million banking users, including 24 million of people who are users of their mobile banking. The company has dedicated itself to serving and catering to users across the nation including Puerto Rico, also the District of Columbia, The Virgin Islands and over other 35 countries around the world. Over the years they have demonstrated their pride in being the global leaders of wealth management, they cater to roughly 3 million small business owners. They also have successful business relationship with more than 4,500 financial centers involved with retail. (Company Overview) …show more content…
It has deep roots in American history, it started as a San Francisco neighborhood bank founded by A.P Giannini in 1904. Bank of American was originally named ‘Bank of Italy’. Even though it started in the United Sates, it was originally created to cater to the Italian-heritage. Later on, the founder of one of America's biggest banks changed its name to what we know as Bank of America. Bank of America is known for its participation in funding the Golden State Bridge, also for creating the first computer used in banking and the first nationally licensed credit card program. Bank of America is also responsible for creating the strip of numbers at the bottom of checks which later on became an industry standard. Today B of A, owns Merrill Lynch & Co. and operates in all 50