Barack Obama's Speech At DNC Convention

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The above speech was delivered by Barack Obama in July 2004 to support John Forbes Kerry at DNC Convention held at Boston, Massachusetts for his upcoming presidential election. Reported by some of the major papers, his emergence to the spotlight was very surprising to many of the audience after his huge victory in the U.S Senate Democratic primary earlier in March 2004. His simple explanation about his family background, their dreams and his own ideology of new America caught the attention of great audience across the nation which spread like a wildfire around the world. His thoughts attracted the support of many established politicians and his family story grabbed instant emotional support of citizens all over the United State. Clear vison to command the ideas of Democratic party towards the greater, safer and modernized nation outstands the speech. The purpose of the speech was to introduce the basic ideas of the party and highlight abilities of leaders to put them …show more content…

His appreciation to the nation was very deep as he went on to tell the story of how his father was provided with the scholarship to study at this magical country of freedom and opportunities. The audience stood up in appreciation when he brought the fact that his parents had such immense faith in him and the country that they gave him African name Barack believing his name is no barrier to success. This was very important as he was able to get the audience along with his story and relate the dream of his parents and what it can be for Americans today. The speech provides the message of greatness of our nation. Life, liberty and pursuit of happiness is the true genius of America which is all due to the declaration made 200 years ago. His analogy of faith in simple dreams and being able to open a smalls individual business without paying bribe is directed towards the middle-class and lower-class

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