Bargain Basement Analysis

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At the Morris Museum of art is home to a wide-ranging and permanent collection of works of art dating from the early eighteenth century to the present. It also presents special exhibits of a rich variety of art celebrating the culture of the South. I took several photos of my favorite paintings and sucplters. My daughter and I had a lot of fun we went on a free tour and learned a lot about the paitning at the museum and even played a scavenger hunt game.

Freeman Schoolcraft
Figure Dedicated to peace
Plaster of Parais This scuplter I found amazing and scary because whenever I got in trouble for something this is the same way my mom stand.Its is supose to represent peace but what this scuplter says to me is a woman with an attitude be cause she is standing upright looking strong and her arms cross send a message I am not one to be messed with it or saying no I am gonna do what I want. She is naked and very tall she is made out of lime stone and looks very real.she dose look naturalistic and poses in Contrapposto way.This figur show streanth and power in her stance.

Lamar Dodd (1909–1996)
Bargain Basement

The painting Bargain Basement portrays the bottom floor of a …show more content…

The girl is not correctly posed, but rather sits upright, leaning to one side and hugging a small gray and black cat. Her dress has slipped off her shoulder and her left shoe and sock are not on her foot and lay on the ground. To me Nicola Marschall has not just captured the likeness of this particular child but also the carefree spirit of a child like essence. Despite the ease of the subject, Marschall has pictured her in a formal portrait setting. The red drapery to the girl 's left, the small stool on which the cat sit and the landscaped background equipped with an urn of painted flowers, look like a European portrait styles of the