Bathroom Observation

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The environment doesn’t seem to bother the children at all like it did me. There is so much on the walls I don’t know how the children are able to focus on what’s in front of them. The colorful décor makes the room feel like a pre-k room. With a lot of oranges and red shades. The rug being in center I thought was a good idea because the teacher has every child sit on the first letter of their name. It also had a lot of rainbow colors on it. The children know the rug is where they sit every day to learn every morning. Walking into the classroom I thought there would be a lot of toys but I wasn’t shocked when there weren’t any toys in sight. Children at that age get distracted easy so it was understandable. Having simple activates around to replace toys lets children know that learning can still be fun from what I observed. They were able to have fun with their friends and learn at the same time. It was also a lot of space between the centers and not once did any of the children fight over who got to a certain center first. This would probably be a different situation have there be toys. …show more content…

The children know that their homeroom is for learning and the play room they can explore and use their imagination. Having each center labeled was a good idea. I was able to understand what the children would learn from playing in that center. Each center was a toy young children would just love to play with. It also was not decorated only the toys were in there. The only bad thing about the room was it was very small and had the TV on for the listening center. This would make for a noise room! Still I thought it was a good idea to separate the two