Batman Antisocial Personality Disorder

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The friend that helps in critical issues or sends romantic gestures can perhaps turn out to be a psychopath or a sociopath. The DSM-5 formally classifies psychological disorder as an Antisocial Personal Disorder. In the selective movie, "The Dark Knight" directed by Christopher Nolan. The are three symptoms that Antisocial Personal Disorder and Hallmarks Disorder can cause difficulty in social relationships. At the beginning of the movie, "The Dark Knight" Heath Ledger plays the role of the joker. He starts off by rubbing 68 million from the mob of Gotham City where its was place at a bank. Later on in the movie, Batman discovers his menace, the joker is trying to eliminating him from being the hero of Gotham City. The Joker tries to make a deal with the mobs by killing batman for half of the mob's money, but they disagreed with the deal. At the middle, Joker kills citizens from Gotham until Batman reveals his true identity. However Batman tries his hardest to save the people of his town and not reveling his identity. In the end, Batman accomplishes on capturing the Joker with the help of Fox using the sonar device. Although the Joker won, he showed Batman that he could turn someone good like Harvey into evil only with madness. Batman decide to kill Harvey and stops …show more content…

The Joker demonstrates three symptoms of Antisocial Personality Disorder. First symptoms is his physical appearance. The Joker likes to paint himself as a clown and leaves his victims painted with clowns as well. Second symptoms is deceitfulness for people. The Joker views murders as entertainment and loves toying with his men that he hires to work for him. Last symptom is reckless disregard for people. The joker always plans his skims, he doesn't care who gets killed in order for him to get Batman's identity. Those three symptoms create the Joker in "The Dark Night" movie, as an antisocial personal

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