Battle Of Antietam Essay

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The Battle of Antietam in Sharpsburg, Maryland on 17 September, 1862 is widely considered a glaring missed opportunity by commander General George B. McClellan. Although the Union technically took the victory, McClellan’s inability to mass forces and exploit the penetration of the rebel defense allowed the retrograde of the Army of Northern Virginia from Maryland. This failure also belabored a battle which caused thousands of needless deaths in the bloodiest battle of the Civil War. His lackluster success in this operation was as much due to shortcomings in his mission command as it was his tactical errors. Lack of cohesiveness and mutual trust within his organization culminated in a piecemeal attack. Similarly, his unwillingness to exercise …show more content…

During the Battle of Second Bull Run, under Halleck’s command, McClellan reported his forces incapable to mount an offensive on Richmond, refusing based on a drastic overestimation of the size of Confederate force he expected to face. Lincoln was frustrated by both Halleck and McClellan following this battle: Halleck because of his inability to rein in McClellan and his obstinate refusal of orders, and McClellan for his vindictive glee in the operation’s failure. His refusal allowed Lee to depart Richmond and join Jackson to mass forces against General Pope, McClellan’s rival. McClellan watched eagerly as Pope fell victim to a brilliantly devised turning maneuver executed by Lee and Stonewall Jackson at Second Bull Run. Identifying an opportunity to regain political stature, McClellan managed to convince Halleck to assign him command of Pope’s Army. His march to assist Pope was characteristically slow, however, and McClellan failed to reinforce him before the retreat was underway. When the dust settled, the Army of the Potomac had incurred heavy losses but narrowly escaped. Despite Lincoln’s reservations regarding his character, McClellan was officially reassigned as commander of the Army of the Potomac. Lee planned to exploit his success by securing key supply hub,

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