Battle Of Belle Wood Credibility Statement

711 Words3 Pages

Cpl Robinson
Squad 3
April 12, 2017
Class 6-17


RELEVANCY STATEMENT: The battle of Belleau Wood is like a sacred place of pilgrimage. It is a major stepping stone for the marine corps. Belleau Wood has in my opinion summarized the resolve of Marines in combat.

PREVIEW MAIN IDEA: A very young Marine Corps entered the world stage and was considered not only viable, but and indispensable fighting force. General Charles C. Krulak said he considered the Battle of Belleau Wood, the Marines first Crucible.

TRANSITION: The importance of the Battle of Belleau Woods would set the stage for the marine corps and what it would turn into.

MAIN IDEA: The battle fought in Belleau Wood was …show more content…

Marine casualties were the highest in the Corps history up to that date. Caught in open fields or in densely packed woods, the French advised the marines to turn back. This they refused to do. U.S Marine Captain Lloyd Williams said in response to this, “Retreat? Hell, we just got here.” This ultimately showed that Marines would prevail, regardless of cost, even when called to serve in places far outside of their traditional roles, and despite having every reason to stop and reconsider the wisdom of what they had been tasked to …show more content…

To clear the woods in their entirety, the marines had frequently resorted to hand-to-hand fighting with bayonets and knives. It was this determination and ferocity that the Germans said they were likened to dogs from hell. Belleau Wood provided a convincing narrative to reinforce not only Marines’ self-conception as elite warriors, but also a public image that further enhanced the Corps’ ability to find quality recruits and train them to high standards.

“The term "Devil Dog" has its origins at Belleau Wood. It was in a dispatch from the German front lines to their higher headquarters explaining the current battle conditions that described the fighting abilities of the new, fresh Americans as fighting like "Teufel Hunden" or "Hounds from Hell.””(1)

TRANSITION: Of the success, General Pershing proclaimed, “The Gettysburg of the war has been

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