Battle Of Fort Sumter Essay

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On March 5th 1861, the president, Abraham Lincoln, got a notice that there was only six week food supply left. All of the food that was supposed to be for the war would totally run out in approximately six weeks. No one knew what to do, but Lincoln thought of a plan to get food back. His plan would cause the Confederates(the south) to start firing and bombing. Lincoln wanted the Confederates to fire because it was supposed to inspire non-committed states to join the Union(the north). Abrahama thought that if the Confederates would start firing, the Union would call for help to fight back. When and/or if those non-committed states joined, the plan was to resupply the forts with a bunch of food from the non-committed states and the Union, for all of the soldiers. Once they got the states to join in, Lincoln contacted the South Carolina …show more content…

The battle of Fort Sumter lasted a whole 33 hours. More than a day, but not quite two days. After those 33 hours had gone by, Fort Sumter fell down to the Confederates on April 13 1861. Fort Sumter was destroyed. Buildings were crumpling, roads were not even visible, and there were soldiers everywhere. The battle technically ended on the 13th, but one more casually happened. The battle officially ended on the 14th of April due to an accidental explosion to one of the privates. Private Daniel Houth was standing next to a barrel full of gunpowder, when someone supposedly shot/exploded the barrel. Of course, since he was standing next to a pile of gunpowder, Daniel got exploded with it. He died on April 14, 1861. Daniel Houth wasn't the first casualty though. A confederate horse was injured and killed before any human and so he was technically considered the first casualty in the Battle of Fort Sumter. To wrap this battle up, the Confederates did win the Battle of Fort Sumter and the Union has unfortunately lost. The Battle of Fort Sumter was uncomfortably not over