Beach Solitude Lindberg Summary

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Lindberg, the gift from the sea, reading was interesting because she connected her solitude with the sea. Anne stated that people can connect by their rhythm with the other person. She demonstrated a good relationship has a pattern like a dance and it is built on some of the same rules. Lindberg states that we have so little faith in the ebb and flow of life, of love, of relationships. Anne was able to delve deep inside of her emotions to express her thoughts on marriage, relationships and intimacy during her beach solitude. I always enjoyed the quietness of the beach when it was not busy. The quietness can take your mind in so many places and allow you to sort out the issues of life as God minister to you privately. Lindberg described each cycle of the tide was vital and each cycle of the wave was vital like each cycle of a relationship. What a tranquil …show more content…

W. Tozer, a man with an intense prayer life states that God made things for man before He created us. He said, of all things the heart belonged to God. I find that interesting because the Bible tells us that God wants to dwell in us, because that is where our affections and also it is the center of man’s being. Tozer states that man allows things to take over the heart. The Bible tells us to deny himself and take up the cross and follow him. The enemy within us is self who tries to dictate our steps, but the enemy in us cause us to lose and Christ cause us to gain. We need to understand this thought because; it is hard for people to part from material gain. We hear on the media everyday about people who commit all kinds of crimes and other self inflicted injuries because of the lack understanding of the discipline simplicity. Tozer used an illustration of Abraham and Isaac and how he surrendered his life to God and his son. God wants us to release what we worship or pay the most attention too. It is no secret; God told us He is a jealous God. Abraham acknowledges he possessed nothing. The Lord will