Summary Of Janet's Pulchritude

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Therefore, as an ambassador, Janet’s attitude when encountering the patriarchal structures is tacit. Janet fails to meet the expectations towards conventional female behavior because she is nescient of how gender is constructed and functions in the alternate universes. At a cocktail Party with Joanna’s, for example, most women and men try to be as attractive as possible. However, to Janet, this is unconceivable. The materialness of pulchritude is the initial enigma Joanna and Janet discovers:
[My] hair feels as if it 's falling down, my makeup 's too heavy, everything 's out of place from the crotch of the panty-hose to the ridden-up bra to the ring whose stone drags it around under my knuckle. And I don 't even wear false eyelashes. Janet …show more content…

' and guides Moustache 's hand (his forefinger, actually) along her face. (...) This mad chick doesn 't seem so nice to Moustache any more. He swallows. 'What do you fight about - girls? ' 'You are kidding me, 'says Janet. 'We fight about bad temper - what else? Temperamental incompatibility. Not that it 's so common as it used to be but if you can 't stand her and she can 't stand you, what 's to be done? ' 'Sure, ' says Ginger Moustache. 'Well, goodbye. ' 26
.The mustached man eludes Janet. The third dialogue is the apogee. It becomes confrontational because the dialogue discusses the exact problem Joanna world has with Janet; feminism, which is more than ideology for Janet, but her life lived. 'For example, ' he went on, (...) you have to take into account that there are more than two thousand rapes in New York City alone in every particular year. (...) Men are physically stronger than women, you know. ' (Picture me on the back of the couch, clinging to her hair like a homuncula, battering her on the top of the head until she doesn 't dare to open her mouth.) 28 When he makes another ardent advance, Joanna becomes uncomfortable and absconds the party. While leaving, the drunk host subterfuges an embraces in order to receive a good-bye kiss. Joanna, complies to avoid a