Because I Could Not Stop For Death Analysis

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In Emily Dickinson’s poem, “Because I Could Not Stop For Death,” the speaker takes a ride in a carriage with death. . Later on it is revealed that the speaker had died hundreds of years ago, introducing a theme about immortality. Emily Dickinson use of imagery paints a clear picture of the afterlife itself. Her smooth rhythm a slow rhythm, supports the theme of the poem by creating a slow relaxed mood. On occasion the author cuts a line mid sentence, to put emphasis on a word, like “immortality.” In the poem, the author introduces the concept that death cannot be avoided, and with the personification of Death, the outlook that it should not be avoided or feared. The poem mainly focuses on the afterlife and the inevitability of Death. The narrator of the poem first speaks about the inevitability of Death in the first two lines: “Because I could not stop for death/He kindly stopped for me,” (1-2). Line three indicates a hint of intimacy with the statement, “The Carriage held but just Ourselves,” (3). While line four is just, “And immortality,” (4), ending the smooth rhythm and is the first mention of the afterlife, it also institutes a background theme of eternal fame. This line also offers a different perspective on immortality, the choppy rhythm making the line seem unappealing. Throughout stanza two Death is personified with …show more content…

Emily Dickinson also proposes an ironic twist, with immortality in the afterlife, while most people look for immortality in life. The speaker of her poem insinuates that Death should not be thwarted, and is not worth the labor. The theme of her poem suggests that humanity should be less worried about slowing Death down, or diving headfirst into it, that Death will come when it will come. According to her poem, life should be enjoyed and savored, not spent avoiding Death, or