Bee Phenomena Examples

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Sally Anna-Lise and Rebecca, thank you for your thought provoking post and responses. In reflecting on my own experiences, I am fortunately hard pressed to come up with as overt of examples of queen bee phenomena as Sally mentioned (Rothacker-Peyton, 2017) I have thought of numerous more subtle examples and situations that have come up in nursing and in particular nurse leadership. Some of the examples are related to the queen bee phenomena and some are related to my male colleagues or supervisors having seemingly different standards/expectations for me or communicating in a different manner to me than they would their male colleagues. I believe many of the behaviors of the queen bee phenomenon are unconscious and stem from a lack of awareness …show more content…

His interpretation of his ability to succeed and rise to leadership in nursing despite being male, is the opposite of what Jenna Goudreau described as the glass escalator (2012). She describes the experience of women as climbing the ladder to senior leadership in female dominated professions, while men in those professions seem to shoot to the top on an invisible escalator. Literature regarding the percentages of men in positions of leadership and especially senior leadership in healthcare would seem to support this idea. Despite women holding 68% of entry level positions in healthcare and pharmaceuticals, they hold 60% of management positions, 50% of senior management/director positions and only 24% of c-suite level leadership positions (Castellucci, 2017). In my own organization, this seems to be true in terms of director level positions. While the large majority of nurse manager positions are held by women, 40% of our Directors of Nursing are men. Furthermore, female nurses continue to be paid less than men, in all areas of nursing (Jiminez, 2015). Shelley spoke to this issue in her post on gender and leadership when she mentioned that her professors in nursing school commented that having more men in nursing was a great thing as it would legitimize the profession as well as increase