Bee Species Research Paper Outline

1264 Words6 Pages

Sophia Tran
ENGL 1202-52
Formal Outline
Thesis Statement: Many people think bees are a nuisance or are even afraid of them; however, bees are essential to our ecosystem. It is estimated that bees pollinate about a third of the food we eat, as well as food for other creatures. Without bees our food sources and ecosystem would be impacted greatly. So why are bees disappearing? It is important for us to look at how our behavior affects other species and actively protect bees before they become extinct.
1. Worldwide, there are around 25,000 different types of bee species. This huge number is divided into over 4,000 genera of bees, which are further subdivided into nine families.
A. The Apidae family is perhaps the most well known family, with familiar members such as the honeybee, …show more content…

The Varroa mite is a parasite that attacks honey bees.
E. Poor nutrition in bees’ diets due to intensive farming methods.
F. Reduced biodiversity in plants affected the immune system of bees.
i. In 2008, scientists in the UK reported that the diversity of bees and other insects were falling alongside the diversity of plants they fed and pollinated on. ii. Cedric Alaux and colleagues from the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) in Avignon have traced a possible link between the diversity of bees’ diets and the strength of their immune systems.
1. “We found that bees fed with a mix of five different pollens had higher levels of glucose oxidase compared to bees fed with pollen from one single type of flower, even if that single flower had a higher protein content,” Dr. Alaux told BBC News.
a. Bees make glucose oxidase (GOX) to preserve honey and food for larvae against infestation by microbes which protects the hive against disease.
b. That means that those bees have better antiseptic protection compared to other bees, and so would be more resistant to pathogen invasion.
G. Climate change poses an increasing threat to bees as global warming and its impact

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