Grain fed vs. Grass fed Beef Should farmers feed cattle grain or grass? I believe that grass fed beef is much more nourishing and efficient for your body. Grain fed beef has many more fats and not as much nutritional value as grass fed beef. Grass fed beef doesn’t contain any antibiotics or hormones. It is my opinion that grass fed beef is much better than grain fed beef. The practice of feeding cattle grain started in the 1900’s. “The total U.S. beef consumed into 2015 was 24.807 billion pounds.” If we are going to have tons of beef we need to make it healthy. In the future I think our beef is going to be really unhealthy and the cattle will be very miserable if we don’t start feeding them grass instead of grain. “Agriculture employs over 1.3 billion people throughout the world, or close to 40 percent of the global workforce. In about 50 countries, agriculture employs half of the population, and even 75 percent in the poorer nations. Agriculture is the world's largest provider of jobs.” This is a hardworking career where many people endure long hard hours. Farmers earn about about $107,000 a year, while the bottom 10 percent made less than $30,000. …show more content…
Feeding cows grain makes them bigger and they have less nutrients. After cows get older and become they start feeding them grain instead of grass. If the cows eat grass they have ⅓ less calories, no antibiotics, and no hormones added. Grass fed beef has 80% less total fat and 30% less cholesterol. It has four times more vitamin E and ten times more vitamin A. This is important because vitamin E helps keep blood clots from happening and vitamin A is important for normal vision, the immune system, and reproduction. Vitamin A also helps the heart, lungs, kidneys, and other organs work