Beethoven Accomplishments

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Ludwig Van Beethoven was, and still is one of the most greatest musicians of all time. Beethoven has dedicated his whole life to music and creating breath-taking symphonies, therefore, his greatest achievement was raising music in the world. On 17th of December 1770, the young Ludwig Van Beethoven at the city of Bonn; Germany was born. Ludwig Van Beethoven was the second eldest child of Johann Van Beethoven and Maria Magdalena Keverich and the grandson of Lodewijk van Beethoven. Lodewijk was a musician from Mechelen in the Southern Netherlands who later on in his life, moved to Bonn. Lodewijk’s only son; Johann, has been following the same steps as his father in music. Young Beethoven’s first music instructor was his own father; even …show more content…

He had been receiving piano and violin lessons from his father Johann. Then, Beethoven hasstudied theory and keyboard with another instructor, Van Clen Eeden. Beethoven's musical talent was obvious at a young age. Johann noticed the success of Mozart at the area and so he tried to exploit his son as a child prodigy. Beethoven’s father claimed that Ludwig was six but he was actually seven at the time. At the age of eight years old, Ludwig performed his first concert. In 1782, Beethoven had found his first real teacher, Christian Gottlob Neefe. Neefe taught Ludwig composition and published one of them as well a year after being his instructor. At the age of 14, the composer’s creation had improved, mostly influenced by Mozart, with various songs and compositions for piano, quartets, and even a concert for piano, out of which only parts remained. At the age of 16, Ludwig already had somewhat of a reputation in Bonn. He taught music lessons and held concerts at aristocratic residences, as well as at court. …show more content…

Financially, the first two years in Vienna were very difficult for Beethoven. His first home was in a basement. He had to spend money for furniture, a piano, wood, clothes, in order to make a name for himself in the musical world. Even if his sense of style, as far as clothes went, was more than shabby, his talent and personality helped him improve his financial situation. Most of his stuff were usually gifts from aristocrats. Later on, money came from publish rights since he got hold on publishing his work since the beginning. He also gave private lessons even though he hated being a

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