Before The Industrial Revolution How Did The Structure Of Companies Change

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written in a minimum of 5-6 languages; thisisdue to the international spread of markets and the extension of customer targets. Early in the Industrial Revolution ages, business owners began to hire salespersons and form sales departments because thelevel of production increased. This need to include a sales department in the structure of the business rose primarily due to high order volume,which a business operated by one man could not handle. Once the orders were fulfilled, logistic procedures followed – accounting, inventory management, and statistics for a new production line. Since people’s buying behavior changed, customers were now issuing complaints and requesting more information about the products. Theinvention of the telephone improved the communication between customers and businesses. The “town criers” of past times werereplaced by newspapers, radio …show more content…

In the past, before the Industrial Revolution, management didn’t exist as a theory; in practice it fell on one person, most likely the business owner or their family members that produced the items and delivered them. This happened due to small businesses that answered to a particular niche of customers with not many options and therefore not many demands. With the invention of machinery that would replace human employees’ jobs,massproduction appeared. Massproduction led to more affordable products, enlargement of local markets due to an ability to consume the surplus, and shifting customer behavior by giving them diverse options including quality and price differences. Massproduction also required the restructuring of the firm, starting with the inclusion of sales departments. In the beginning, salesdepartments were taking on orders and handling logistic issues. Later on, callcenters appeared in order to facilitate customer-producer communication. Also, firms extended outside the local market, so business owners had to come up with a centralized

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