Being An Individual Vs Following The Crowd Analysis

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“Be yourself because everyone else is taken.” -Oscar Wilde. Most know that quote but how many of you follow it? A lot of you say that you are an individual but not many of you actually are. Being an individual means that you do your own thing and that you don’t do whatever the crowd does. Being an individual is more important than following the crowd because following the crowd leads to peer pressure, if you follow the crowd you could never say you have accomplished anything, and if people where your real friends they wouldn’t care if you went your own way. In addition, following the crowd leads to peer pressure. In the book “The Move” a boy named James is pressured by his friends to climb very high on a billboard sign and put their gang …show more content…

In the book “Mama Went to Jail for the Vote” A mother felt so strongly that women should have the right to vote that she was willing to go to jail for it. Even though her husband and all of her friends told her not to fight for the right because she wouldn’t accomplish it, she still did because she knew it was the right thing to do. Also, in the book “Mama Went to Jail for the Vote” her daughter was so heartbroken that her mother went to jail for fighting for what she believed in. She took her mother's place and fought that her mother should be let out of jail. Even though the daughter was not supported by many, she still did it not matter what the crowd said. In the book “Mr. Ferris and His Wheel” Mr. Ferris wanted to build something new for America. When he finally thought of an idea he asked many different people to help him pay and build everything. Nobody would help him. Even though no one would help him build it and everyone told him to give up he didn’t give up. He got it in the papers and people everywhere sent money. In all of th stories nobody gave up. Even though everyone was telling them they couldn’t do it, they ended up achieving their goal. From “Mama Went to Jail for the Vote” the mother got women the right to vote and the daughter go her mother out of jail, and from the book “Mr. Ferris and His Wheel” he got his ferris wheel created because they never gave up and

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