
Ben-Hur And Book Comparison

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Whether some think the movie is different or not, there are many comparisons and contrasts from the movie and the book. Although the adaptation is only a part of the real book, it still has many differences from the book. Ben-Hur is a story of a man who fought through many battles just to protect his viewpoint on his God. There was an argument between he and his friend because of their spiritual beliefs. They both went against each other which brought them through the path of hatred and grief. They both suffered a lot because of their selfishness. One swore to have his revenge on the other which led him into becoming the same as the one who he despised. Go further and read of the story of Ben-Hur. This paragraph will be showing the contrasts between the book and the movie. The movie first starts off with the birth of Jesus Christ compared to Judah and Messala getting back together in the garden. There are many things that stick out in both the movie and in the book. In the book only Messala says down Erros up Mars, but in the movie both Messala and Judah say it. This may be a signal of how their friendship at this moment is in tact. After Messala and Judah argue about their different viewpoints they both are willing to destroy each other. There is soon to be a race between Messala and Judah so that Judah may get his …show more content…

This happens both in the movie and in the book. Judah is later watching Jesus to be crucified and he in return gives him water. Judah does this because he recognizes Jesus and remembers when He gave him water while he was on his way to the galleys. Judah eventually finds both his mother and sister but not in the same ways. In the book, Judah sees them after they have been healed but in the movie, he sees them while they are in the lepers den. In the movie, Judah goes to see them and he takes them to see Jesus. They are later healed after his

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