Advantages And Disadvantages Of Christian Sociology

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I’m sceptical as to whether a Christian Sociology is possible, let me explain. Barger (1982:3) defines Christian Sociology as “the systematic study of the social order that, in its theory, methodology and reporting is explicitly related to the framework of understanding that is identifiably Christian.”
Furthermore, Barger (1982:3) mentions that “Christian Sociology begins in the values which guide the sociologist in her work.” I agree that it is possible for sociology be to ‘Christian’ in its values, in its theory, methodology and reporting. Max Weber (as cited by Barger, 1982:1) proposed that, “the formal study of sociology is and must be value-neutral […] objective [and] non-advocative.” I don’t agree with the idea that science can be value-neutral …show more content…

Radcliff’s (1988) essay analyses four sociological theories (the symbolic interactionist theory, the exchange theory, and the functionalist and conflict theory) in terms of three Christian doctrines: the creation, the fall and redemption. In the beginning, God created human beings in His image; thus God constructed through creation and so too, we, as humans, construct meaning through social interactions (symbolic interactionism). Social structures can only be functional if they are structured within God’s plan (functionalism). Thus, our ultimate purpose is to glorify and serve God and as we do so, we are naturally drawn to seek rewards and avoid pain (exchange …show more content…

Christ died on the cross, so that we may have eternal life (exchange theory). Adoption into God’s family is immediate; however we still have to go through a process of re-socialization (sanctification), as we grow in our relationship with Him, so many of our old social constructions may still be with us after salvation (symbolic interactionism). The conflict theory describes the experience of evil and disruption, but assumes that people can save themselves and overlooks sin. In terms of a functionalist perspective, “our goal as Christians is to help make social structures more functional through redeeming the people within them. The groups in society are more likely to be functional in reaching God’s intended goals if they are populated by Christians who are actively seeking God’s will, both personally and in terms of the structures within which they work” (Radcliff